I have posted this location before, so won't post all the details again, but got some great pictures today and had to share! Also want to give a special shout out to my paddling partner today Caroline, who reached out to me through the blog, so nice to meet a blog follower and share a paddling experience. Thank you Caroline!
I was surprised to see pink lilies already... I feel like they come in late summer... and summer just started!
This guy was pretty good sized... I am not a huge fan of spiders, but he posed!
A busy momma duck!
The exposure is not great in this one, but having two kinds of turtles and a blackbird in the same picture is worth sharing!
Time for your close ups!
I love these teal dragonflies!
Turtle reflection
A proud parent, eastern kingbird... I think.
Baby eastern kingbirds... the first nest we saw... up high we could just see them...
This was the second nest... so low to the water...
Hungry babies!
See it? The turtle?
Hope others got out to paddle today! And hope everyone has a safe night!