This is not my tpical post, where I share directions for a specific place.. this is a post to share photos of the beautiful fall!
Please enjoy!
Fall in Maine is a beautiful time...but I greet it with mixed emotions. I love the cooler temperatures and the beautiful colors, but... I don't like the early hours of darkness, the cold wind when I am paddling, or knowing that fall means that snow will be flying soon and my paddling season is coming to an end... but... I capitalize on the days I can get on the water. My plan this weekend was to get up early and hit the water. I decided, however.. to sleep in... both days... so I missed the morning fog I love this time of year.. but it was a busy weekend with work stuff, so I let myself get a couple of extra hours of sleep.
Saturday I went to one of my favorite places, the Presumpscot in Westbrook. She did not disappoint!
(I should mention I was wearing my two articles of blaze orange both days... and on Saturday... I was so glad I did... more on that later!)
I posted these photos on my Mainekayakgirl facebook page, so for those following me in both places, I apologize for the repetition!

Just after I took this picture there were a few gunshots...gunshots that were so close I felt the vibration in my chest. It startled me. Then I realized how glad I was to be wearing orange... and hoped that my paddling didn't scare the ducks at which the hunter was shooting. I will admit I was a bit unnerved... I am not against hunting... but it was a close shot..well close shots... and it was a reality check. I debated whether or not to turn back at that point or continue on...
I looked across the river looking for the hunter to see if maybe spotting him/her would make me feel a bit better...
I did see him... stupidly he is not wearing any orange... which I think is illegal! he waved to me, so I knew he saw me...which was comforting-ish... he changed direction as I paddled by, going up river with me... and I debated if he was hoping I would scare some ducks his way... I was close to the tunnel so decided I would explore beyond the tunnel for a bit and then head back down the river... while I am not opposed to hunting... I also don't want to be the person who causes an animal to get shot...
Going through the tunnel is always something I enjoy... it never gets old.
On the other side of the tunnel.. the water levels were higher than I expected and I was able to paddle back a ways...
These seed pods were in among the reeds... they were very cool...
Some photos with great reflections... which perhaps could make great puzzles?
My favorite Tree... hoping she survives the winter... not sure if I will see you again before the snow flies my friend...
A very funky mushroom...
Fascinated by the shape, texture and color... so weird, yet beautiful...
A heron made an appearance... but took flight quickly...
I got this shot... and didn't realize that the canoe was in the background!
(the guys in the canoe had no orange on... I warned them of the hunter...please... wear orange! )
Then.. today, I decided to go to Moose Pond. The drive was beautiful. I didn't paddle here but couldn't resist stopping to take a picture! This was along Rt. 5 somewhere...
This is the dam at lower Moose Pond
I love this photo... because I love the texture, love the wood grain. Stunning...(It was a barn door)
As I was paddling I heard geese... this flock was pausing to take a break..
Pleasant Mountain was beautiful!
With the fall foliage I had debated about going to the Brownfield bog to paddle, but worried about the water level being too low... and it was/is wicked low... I drove here after getting off the water to check it out. And secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of a moose... (which did not happen!)
This guy startled me while I was walking!
Today I was reminded that it is not only the paddling that is beautiful... driving to get to these places was also beautiful. I really do love living in Maine. Fall is gorgeous... (And I am hoping for a MILD winter... please oh please let it be mild!)
Happy (and safety Orange!) Paddling!