(That's Happy New Paddling Year!!!)
I am kicking off the 2019 paddling season blog with some photos from my first two trips out this year! I got out Wednesday 4/17 on the Presumpscot, launching from Lincoln Street. (Click the link for directions from a previous post.) Then today I got out and went to Tenny River!
Both were PERFECT for what I needed them to be... a way to relax and connect with myself in a way I can only do with paddling...
This week included the tenth anniversary of losing my mom... the person who inspired me to kayak... Oh how I miss her... and how lucky I am that kayaking is one of the gifts she gave to me!
Please enjoy! (I will make sure to post some new places this year that will include the directions and my other typical format... I just wanted to include some pics and a few notes for this first paddling post... plus, these two locations are probably my most frequently visited, so I didn't think I needed to share again!)
Happy Paddling!
[By the way I have had a busy winter! For my non- kayaking adventures, check out my other blog here!]
My FIRST time on the water this year!
As I was coming around this corner I wondered if she would be there... and how she had survived the winter...
She survived! And looks good! Love this tree!
THE tunnel!
There were cows in the fields! I was hoping they would be closer to the water, but not today!
This was the only set of Canada geese I saw!
A well camouflaged cormorant!
Not sure which kind of bird... maybe a turkey vulture?
The Presumpscot was a little chilly on Wednesday... but it was sooo good to get out!
Then there was today! I debated about bringing Gladys, but I wasn't sure how conditions would be... so I opted to go solo.. but not before taking time to embarrass her... by the way... I TOTALLY forgot that this week marked her 3rd birthday! WHAT?! I am a bad dog momma! I haven't reminded her yet because I only thought of it today... will celebrate with her this week!
Despite being less than thrilled for the bunny ears... she is adorable!
(Oh the shame!)
"Seriously... can we take these things off?"
Tenny River... is one of my favorite places because I always see wildlife! Today was no exception.

I was happy to see some kayak friends on the water, Peter and Sarah! They have been on the water more than me this year... so far!! Love that they love it!
I came home and found that Peter had taken some shots of me too! (Ignore my bad hair! ha! I did not expect to see anyone let alone be photographed!)
Ok... back to what I saw!
The water is so clear!
The culvert! Water was high and moving fast through here. Paddling from Crescent to Panther was easy... Panther to Crescent was a bit harder!

I am a creature of habit. I always have to check to see if the pitcher plants are still here... they are! (Carnivorous plant!)
The temperatures today changed a lot from one part of the stream to the other and depending whether or not the sun was out. I had a t-shirt on under a long sleeved active shirt... and was fine!
There were a couple of kingfishers flitting about... I got some shots of them which is hard to do, they are so fast!
There were a couple of iceburgs!
At times the water was so calm!
Turtles were out!
OK.. This is a good one... bad picture but good story.. I came around this point and looked to my left and saw a beaver... on the shore... man don't hey look cute when they sit like that... I froze... I wanted to take a photo of it on the shore looking so cute.. but I have had a similar experience before which resulted in the beaver charging at me... so I froze... and it decided i was not going to charge or stare at me any longer so it jumped in the water and swam away. I missed the photo opp... DAM!
(see what I did there?!)
I love when I get to see the yellow bellies!
These guys were not as willing to be photographed...
Tiny turtle!
I am SO glad to be back on the water!
A few things to remember... I am an ambassador for Women Who Paddle!
PLEASE reach out to me if you are a woman who wants to learn to kayak or if you are a woman who has limited experience and wants to go more to gain confidence!
Also.. keep your eye on my facebook page, I will be organizing a few paddles. (A few of them will be exclusively for Fit Maine Social Club, but some will be open to all!)