Hello Blog Buddies!
Welcome to another paddling season! I have been out on the water a few times so far and looking forward to many more adventures this season. I have some places from last season I didn't get to post and will work to find time to add those new destinations. In the meantime, here are some pics from the first two paddles of the season... the first one was North Gorham Pond on Easter (paddling is my kind of church!!) and the second was Tenny River with Miss Gladys. She did AWESOME! I was so proud of her!
Remember - it is still early in the season- this week it is especially tempting to get outside with t shirts and shorts.. but remember while paddling, you need to focus on the water temperatures! Water is still very cold! So be careful and wear your life jacket!
Ok.. Me - in my happy place - my kayak!!!!
My friend Rico was in town - I had him use my mom's kayak for the first time... he's earned it!
I wore my boots in an effort to keep my feet dry when launching and getting back out... let's just say the launch part worked well and my feet were dry throughout the entire paddle... but... perhaps when dismounting I got out a little to deep...um early! That water was COLD!
We got out fairly early before the wind came up. This pond is a great place to start paddling for the season... a quick paddle but a lot to see! (This one is in the book, so I can't give all the details!)
I am grateful for my friendship with Rico. Going on 24+ years I think!
Wow he is old to have a friendship that old!
I think he really liked the small waterfall, the sound of it... so do I!
I wasn't super close to the falls, but this pic makes it look like I was!
Paddling Adventure 1 Done!
Next Up was one of my all time favorites... Tenny River! Tenny is a GREAT place for an early season paddle because it is nice and shallow, slow moving and the turtles can't wait to say hello!
Gladys came on this trip - she was excited to see the yellow kayak on the truck - that means she is going kayaking!

I also got to see this beautiful heron in a tree. I love them in the water but there is something extra rgal when they are in a tree!
I am so proud of Gladys. She settled down really quickly in the kayak! Last season she struggled... but in looking back at it... I think she struggles to settle when my anxiety is high... and my anxiety was up a lot last summer. Fingers crossed for a less anxious summer!
Yes there are A LOT of photos of my girl! She is so photogenic, I love her so much! I will note here, however, something was missing this trip... her life jacket. Her old one fell apart and the new one was too big so we had to return it. I took a risk by taking her without her life jacket... to a place I know well ... I weighed the risks and decided to bring her along. She stayed in the kayak for the entire trip, but we do advocate for pet life jackets!
Blue blue sky!
She relaxed so much! She almost fell asleep a few times!
For some reason the turtles made her nervous! When they plopped into the water she backed away from the logs. At one point she put her paws on my chest for a hug... she was reassured and was fine... it cracked me up though!
Making sure the turtles were not following us!
That ear!
Me and my favorite girl!
I swear she was asking when she could go again!
I am going to do a gear post soon, as I haven't done one in a while.. but... this is my safety 'dog tag.' On the other side is my name, address, my emergency contacts and my medical allergies. I wear this when I kayak, especially if I am solo. It is a great thing to have - a great gift idea for someone who adventures solo (kayaking, hiking, skiing, etc.) Of course when I paddle solo I let someone know where I am going, when I will be on the water and when I plan to be off. I let them know when I am off the water and heading home.... Safety first!
Where should Gladys paddle next? She is looking through Paddling Southern Maine, my guidebook, for inspiration. If you have other ideas, please let me know! And would you want to try to paddle with Gladys? I am thinking about doing some kind of raffle to win a paddling date with Gladys... (though you must realize it is a package deal, if she paddles, I paddle!... or is it If I paddle she paddles?)