April 13th!!! This is the first time I have been out on the water this year and it felt pretty darn good!

I must start this post with reminders... the water temperature is still FREEZING! If you tip over and are not wearing a dry suit you will be in danger. I tend to stick to places I am super familiar with at this point in the season, as I believe it is a bit safer. Of course I also let someone know when I was on the water, where I was paddling, and when I was off safely.
If you are paddling this early PLEASE BE SAFE!
If you are new to paddling please do not get on the water this early, especially by yourself.
This is a place I have posted multiple times. It is the Presumpscot River in Westbrook. Click here for directions and other posts about this spot!
There is some construction going on near the launch site which meant there were some obstacles in the parking area. I actually walked through the outdoor skating rink to avoid some of the equipment and mud that has been caused form the vehicles!
I have paddled this river many many times! I have never seen a loon there, until today! I was so surprised to hear this beautiful creature and to see it. I wonder if it will stick around throughout the season or if this was just a pit stop on its way home.
My split tree is still standing! And there are buds on her branches!
There was some vibrant moss along the shores today. The color was more vibrant in person!
I totally did not expect to find turtles today!!! But I saw two getting some vitamin D!
The tunnel!!
There was some branches on the far end making it a bit challenging to get through, but so worth it! I saw another turtle and heard turkeys!
After coming out of the tunnel, this was my view looking across at the farm's fields.
Had to take a selfie on the first paddle of the season!
Happy Paddling!
Remember, Be safe!!!
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